Single But Determined To Succeed

Being a single parent with three beautiful children as well as a working mom can be a very challenging task. 

However, I determine that no matter what challenges life may bring, I will overcome them and be successful.

My Beautiful, Loving Children And I

Living My Passion

As a young female growing up in the beautiful Caribbean Island of Barbados and seeing the challenges that Caribbean people encounter. I had this compelling desire to position myself to be able to help others to develop, grow and achieve their highest potential, and be able to live a happy fulfilled life in the area of their choice.

This desire led me into a career path of teaching, I believed this profession would give me to scope to be able to influence and train my students to work towards achieving their goals and dreams.

Although I love my career, I often found myself at the end of every month literally broke at the end of every payday after completing payment of my bills and buying food.

This situation often made me feel very discouraged and disappointed.

At the beginning of the Summer Vacation 2017, I was introduced to the Networking Marketing business by a friend.

He explained to me that this was an opportunity that I could use to help me earn the extra income. He also suggested that if I implemented the strategies being taught in this business, I could become be financially free.

I told myself “Vashti, nothing beats a failure but a trial”, and immediately I decided to start my Network Marketing Journey. 

My Entrepreneurial Journey Begins!

Excited, Energise, and Optimistic, I was ready to build my newfound business. I attended meetings and shared this awesome opportunity with friends, family and anyone else who I thought might be able to benefit from this business opportunity.

For about 2 years, I was able to build a strong team and rank up in my business. I also loved the residual income I was also receiving from the company.

I really loved this new venture I was in and was enjoying every minute of it. I was not only gaining extra income, but I was also able to help other individuals who were in the same position I was in before I started my business.

I felt satisfied, I told myself I was on my way to financial freedom and I wouldn’t trade my life for anything else.

Reality Sets In

After working consistently and enjoying the journey of building my Network Marketing business for 2 years, things began to slow down. I realized that many of my team members were not able to build their business the way I was, and many of them gave up along the way.

I tried to work with them as much as I could, but I realized that their challenge was finding other customers to work with them.

I desperately wanted to help my team members, because I knew that this business model could help many of them achieve their goals.

With this desire to help my team members and myself, I started to explore other ways to grow my network marketing business.

That is when I discovered that other network marketers were actually building their business using Social Media.

My Team Members

Taking My Business Online

In October 2020 I found an awesome program with a road map and mentors to guide me along the way to building the business and dream life that I would like.

In May 2021 I also found another awesome program, this one helped me to learn and implement more of the organic strategies of building online.

My friend, let me be honest with you, building a business online is not an easy journey but it is worth all the hard work and effort. It took me about

Once I understood the process and strategies of how to build online, I started to implement them.

From 2019 to the present, I have been exposed to courses, tools, masterminds, and coaches that have been helping me to grow and develop my brand and business online.

 If you are a network marketer and you believe that your business can help you achieve your goals.

Then you are in the right place, I am will to help you.

 If you want to learn more about how you can start to build your Network business online, I recommend that you go to my Work With Me Page and I will be more than willing to show you the process.

Let's do this together.

I am delighted to meet you, my friend.

let me know how I can add value to you or your business.

You can also connect with me here on Facebook

I am passionate about helping serious-minded and dedicated entrepreneurs like you use modern strategies to create a stable, long-term and profitable online business.   



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